I love photographing and capturing a moment in time, an expression, a long forgotten historical piece, wildlife, flowers, and landscapes. My completed images frequently are far from my originally envisioned creation. I enjoy taking the artistry beyond the initial capture by using my imagination and challenging myself to craft an appealing piece which when finished gives me a feeling of accomplishment and hopefully takes the viewer to another place and time.
I obtained my first DSLR in 2009. Since then, my award-winning images have been shot with a Nikon D80, D7000, Z6 and currently the Nikon D500 and Z8.
I live in Massachusetts, just southwest of Boston where I am actively involved with the Stony Brook Camera Club. I have also volunteered as a Blackstone Heritage Corridor Photography Ambassador.
My proficiency in post-processing in both Lightroom and Photoshop has allowed me to share my skills through presentations to various camera clubs and workshops as well as offering individual tutoring. One of my most recent endeavors involves taking my images to another level by painting them with Photoshop and adding texture blending. I have developed a simple process to give a real painterly look to my images that I am now teaching in workshops that I offer.
If you are interested in purchasing any of my images, or want more info about my presentations or workshops, please contact me using the form below or email me directly at ellen64@comcast.net.
Thanks for taking a look, I hope you enjoyed what you saw.
If you are interested in purchasing any of my images, or want more info about my presentations or workshops, please contact me using the form below or email me directly at ellen64@comcast.net.
Thanks for taking a look, I hope you enjoyed what you saw.
Thank you!